
MAA’s collections, comprising around 1 million items, range across human history and every inhabited continent, from the earliest stone tools, to items collected in the past year. These pages provide access to the database records we hold for our collection - divided between Objects, Photographs and Documents. We do not have photographs for all items, but where we do have them, thumbnail images are provided.

This site is only the first stage in a more ambitious project to create a research portal, which will be able to do a lot more than is possible at present. This should be complete by the end of 2017 - please bear with us in the meantime.

Database records are the result of a long and incomplete process of managing information about the collections, and may contain inaccuracies, as well as terms that would no longer be used today. If you discover anything that concerns you, please email us at: admin@maa.cam.ac.uk

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